Tuesday, November 5, 2013


FOMO (v.) - acronym standing for Fear Of Missing Out. Or, as I like to label it - Overachiever Syndrome. 

All of us overachievers experience it. That's why we simply must involve ourselves in everything around us.

Sports. Organizations. Academic opportunities. Internships. Worship. Relationships. 

You name it, I've done it (yes, even sports... kind of.)

When you're surrounded by so many wonderful and unique opportunities, how can you NOT JOIN EVERY SINGLE THING?

As a first year in college, (we say things differently here at dear ole UVa - there is absolutely no such thing as a freshman) I attended a club fair at the beginning of the year. And, I kid you not, there were 700+ organizations at said fair.

Se-ven-hun-dred. My overachieving self was in absolute paradise and overdrive simultaneously. I seriously think I signed up for over 50 things, and my inbox has never seen such excitement since the fair.

Throughout the past couple of months, I have learned to stick to what I love, and though the initial twinge of absolute horror of missing out on some things was painful at first, I have learned that concentrating my efforts on a few major projects that I am passionate about is a lot better than spreading myself thin and stressing myself out trying to do everything at once.

And, one of the absolute best things about my decision veer away from my instinctive habit to prevent FOMO is the free time I have cleared in my schedule to work on this blog! 

Though my overachieving tendencies and obsession to fill my time with constant activities will never, ever wear away, I am in the process of recovering from FOMO and focusing on projects that I am super excited about - serving on the production staff of the Cavalier Daily, growing in my faith through a religious organization on Grounds (it's NOT campus - it's Grounds), marketing super quirky events for University Programs Council, and serving as an editor for the school yearbook. 

Ugh. That's still a lot. But like I said, I am slowly trimming it down! 

Do you suffer from FOMO? Perhaps we can form a support group ;)

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