Friday, November 29, 2013


Apologies for my three day break, I have been super overwhelmed and super busy returning to Tampa and having to catch up with everyone I know! 

First things first: Thanksgiving. I was super lucky to go to not one, but two Thanksgiving meals this year. Dustin and I headed to Sarasota to eat with his family, and then came back to Tampa to eat at my house with my family. This Thanksgiving was a little unusual for me, because I can't remember the last time I celebrated in Tampa - we always go to our family home in North Carolina. Although I think I am more of an NC for Thanksgiving kind of girl, it was so nice to come home for the first time in three months and see everyone!


Wouldn't be Thanksgiving without Paula going all out. Pretty sure this table has been set since the beginning of October.

Steven and I look too much alike most times.

Especially thankful for this one!

I had some minor struggles while packing to come home for Thanksgiving - I had completely forgotten what humidity and temperatures above 40 degrees felt like. This led to a bit of a dress crisis when I got home, so I immediately went to Anthropologie on Wednesday afternoon and picked up the dress I am wearing in the pictures. I tried to find it online, but I couldn't! I love it because it is very simple, and was so easy to pair my three fan J. Crew necklace (now 50% off!) and Melissa button Frye boots with. Crisis averted!


Now let's talk Black Friday. Personally, Black Friday is super overwhelming for me, so I will be participating from my bed on my laptop. I like being able to meander in and out of stores without lots of hustle and bustle, and I am definitely not about waiting in lines just to try things on. Or pay. No.

But, for those of you who are adventurous and determined enough to brave the crowds, the lines, and the parking situations (probably the worst part of it all), here are my absolute favorite deals going on:

kate spade surprise sale - up to 75% off everything (online only)

anthropologie - 20% off the whole store (will definitely be getting a price adjustment for the dress I just bought with this deal!)

j. crew - 30% off everything (in stores and online)

j. crew factory - 50% off everything (in stores and online)

Happy shopping, and happy Friday!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Manic Monday

I can summarize up my Mondays easily by saying they always require an extra cup of coffee. Mondays are super crazy for me, as they are usually a balance of getting everything organized for the week, which I could definitely not keep straight without my trusty To-Do lists.

I am a total freak when it comes to To-Do lists and calendars. I constantly have a weekly planner, monthly calendar, and three to-do lists on me at all times. 

I use my weekly planner to keep track of meetings, appointments, and school assignments. I absolutely love it, it's super cute and it's also small enough to not take up a significant portion of my backpack/purse. I got mine off Etsy, you can find it here.

I use my desktop monthly planner to keep track of events, holidays, and birthdays of friends and family. It's nice to have these things in front of me so I can plan accordingly if I have to organize gifts, phone calls, or travel plans! I got mine off of Etsy, you can find it here.

How do you stay organized?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Wisdom: Trust

25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

27 But Jesus immediately said to them: Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 Come, he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. You of little faith, he said, why did you doubt?

-Matthew 14:25-31

This passage is always hard for me to read, because I see myself in Peter way more than I wish I did. There are so many areas in my life where I am of 'little faith' and don't fully trust that the Lord will provide. Or better yet, that I do not have faith in the path that the Lord has so clearly provided for me.

I love that Peter calls out to Jesus for a clear explanation of what to do, and even when Jesus is standing right in front of him and instructs him to do something, Peter still panics in the ability for Jesus to lead him and begins to sink. I think we can all relate to this in so many ways - I can think of numerous times when I have called upon the Lord for guidance and wisdom in a situation, and when I feel the Lord has provided me a path with which to approach the situation, I doubt the path He leads me to.

Who am I do doubt the power of an all-knowing, all-powerful, almighty God?

The path the Lord provides us with will always be the best path, no matter what we are thinking in that moment. As I reflect upon my life so far, it is so clear to point out instances when I listened to the Lord's call for me, and when I didn't. And guess what? The instances in which I did not follow are the instances that are embarrassing, shameful, and sad to remember. And the instances in which I did follow, though they were extremely hard in the moment, are the instances that have led me to some of the best friendships, best relationships, and best experiences I have ever had.

Last Friday night, I had the amazing opportunity to witness 20 UVa students be baptized at a local church. It was absolutely incredible to hear what each of these students had to say about their decision to be baptized, and their excitement to begin their walk with the Lord. It was so encouraging to hear these newly recognized believers share their stories without a stammer of hesitation in their voice. They were as confident in beginning their walk with the Lord as Peter had wished he could have been in this story.

Happy Sunday!