Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Best of 2013

This year was arguably the most eventful year of my life. It began with a college acceptance letter, and will end with friends at the beach. Here are my 5 favorite moments from 2013:

1. College Acceptances & College Rejections
The first big thing that happened to me in 2013 was my acceptance to UVa in mid January. UVa was my dream school, so I was obviously over-the-moon excited to learn I had been accepted. Something else I learned about the college application process is to cherish the rejections as much as the acceptances. There were two schools I applied to that I was waitlisted and eventually denied to, but honestly it didn't really bother me. If anything, these rejections made it infinitely more clear that I was meant to go to UVa. This article by a Yale dean of admissions sums it up very nicely. 

2. Graduation
Graduation high school turned into a bigger ordeal than I had initially imagined. The dozens of graduation parties I attended combined with senior festivities all led up to one of the happiest moments of my life - addressing the class of 2013 and walking across the stage, diploma in hand. I had extended family fly in for the occasion, and it was so exciting to see everyone and end a wonderful chapter in my life.

3. My First Job
I experienced my first employment opportunity during the summer of 2013 - an advertising and marketing internship with a real estate group in South Tampa. I learned so much from the experience, and am excited to have the opportunity to check in and work next week for them again!

4. Relationships
2013 was a growing year in terms of relationships for me. I learned which friends were worth holding on to and which were better left in Tampa. This process sounds a lot darker and depressing than it actually was; in fact, it was so rewarding to concentrate my attention and love from a relatively large conglomeration of friends into a smaller set. I also met so many new friends in college, and have experienced more love and support from these people that I have only known for a couple of months than I could have ever imagined. 

I spy Ben Rector ;)

5. Going to College
As exciting as college acceptances were, the day when I realized I had a new home, a new life, and new friends was so rewarding, exciting, and a little bit scary. This day happened when I attended the Class of 2017 Convocation, and it instantly became so clear why I was where I was. Since then I have tried to make the most of my college experiences by joining clubs, pursuing friendships, studying and figuring out what excites me in the classroom, and experiencing Charlottesville along the way.

Happy end of 2013! 

Monday, December 30, 2013

A Noteworthy Obsession

Stationery has always been a weakness of mine. With 2014 looming in just three days, I can't help but think about all of the upcoming events that will require some old-fashioned handwritten notes - graduation, birthdays, thank-yous, etc. 

Rifle Paper Co. is my stationery obsession for the new year. I just ordered this calendar and am already obsessed.

My list of people I need to write thank-you notes for has accumulated to a dauntingly terrifying amount after all of the holiday festivities this month. I love the idea of starting 2014 with a new set of stationery, especially thank-you cards. How perfect are all these? 

Happy Monday!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday Wisdom: Glory

Sometime in mid-October, I was sitting in my Introduction to Anthropology class as my professor told our class pretty harshly that our accomplishments simply aren't ours. He condemned us for thinking that we were smart enough to get into UVa on our own, with our own hard work and our own intelligence. He radically changed my view on how I view my accomplishments. 

They aren't mine. Not even in the slightest. 

Though my professor is a self-proclaimed atheist, I learned so much through him about the Lord that day. It is so easy for me, and I am assuming everyone else in our individualistic, competitive culture, to focus on getting ahead - to make goals and then do everything in our power to achieve them. Then when we do, we feel a sense of internal accomplishment. As if we have done something good for ourselves. 

My professor argued that we would not be the people we were at that moment sitting in that lecture hall without the tremendous influence and help from our families, teachers along the way, friends, and even acquaintances. We like to think we own our accomplishments, but in reality, we let them own us. 

We even define ourselves through our accomplishments. Think about it - when you introduce yourself to someone, you usually state your occupation - whether it be student, attorney, teacher, etc. We define ourselves through what we believe we have single-handedly achieved. We glorify ourselves without being consciously aware of it.

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." -Colossians 3:17

Like I said earlier, my professor focused on the help we have experienced through family, friends etc. These are all important, don't get me wrong. What my professor missed on his list was the Lord. 

Are we working for the Lord, or are we working for ourselves? Are we glorifying the Lord in our careers, relationships, and activities, or are we glorifying ourselves?

I definitely think this is worth thinking about, especially as we are about to enter a new year. It's not an easy question to answer, but it is essential that we answer it honestly.

Happy last Sunday of 2013!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Men's Stocking Stuffers

My favorite part of Christmas morning has always been the stocking. I don't know why, but for whatever reason I just love the little trinkets and creativity that goes into fitting small but personal items into a Christmas stocking.

Today while shopping in Hyde Park, I went in Restoration Hardware and was amazed at all the stocking stuffers for men and children they had! Guys are always hard to shop for, but I seriously loved every item I saw on the display at RH. 

for the life of the party guy: pub games coasters

for the bookworm: deluxe clip-on booklight

for the outdoorsman: tackle box (it's tiny!)

& so much more! Definitely a great option for last-minute stocking stuffers for any man in your life.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Packing Smart

Today I am moving from 20 degrees and overcast to 75 degrees and sunny for the next three weeks. Honestly, I forgot what it feels like to not wear layers upon layers every day, so I think I might have overpacked for my trip home for the holidays. However, I definitely think it's better to overpack rather than to under-pack. The idea of being without something I might need is scary, so I always try to think of every possible scenario I could encounter before packing!

Honestly, the most important bag I pack when traveling is my carry-on bag. I usually opt for my medium sized navy Longchamp, but because I am traveling with my laptop, I am taking my school backpack this time around. Here's what's inside!

1. Laptop encased in my monogrammed soft case - I love this case. It's the perfect size and weight, and it has my school colors. I got it from this online store

2. Lots of cords - laptop charger, phone charger, and headphones for listening to music/watching movies in the airport and on the plane. It usually takes me around 7 hours total (including waiting at the airport gates and layover times) to get from Charlottesville to Tampa, so the headphones are crucial to give me some sort of entertainment besides people watching.

3. Candy - I have a chocolate problem... enough said.

4. Wallet - This kate spade stacy wallet is the best - It's the perfect size for traveling!

5. A book - I am currently reading The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis. UVa has a program called Professor's Picks in which students can opt to read a book over Christmas Break and then meet in a small group with a professor for dinner to discuss it. I thought it sounded interesting so I'm giving it a try. 

What do you put in your carry-on?

Friday, December 13, 2013

A Minty Obsession

MINT - simply the best

I love mint. I don't own too much of it, but I would really like to! It's one of those colors that I immediately categorize with my spring/summer wardrobe, but I've recently come to the conclusion that's not accurate. 

I love that mint just can't make up its mind whether it wants to be a winter or a summer color. The truth is, I see it capable functioning for both! Paired with white, yellow, teals, and other springy colors in the summer, mint is refreshing and clean. But paired with darker purples, blacks, and golds, mint can be festive and serve as a fun accent color in the winter.

Conclusion: mint is perfect in the winter. And we should all recognize it's perfection through some of my favorite mint pieces:

essie mint candy apple

Happy Friday! 
PS - this video should make your Friday even more enjoyable.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Winter Patterns

I am in love with all of the winter patterns out, they are such an easy way to get into the festiveness of the holiday season. It's definitely time for me to start taking advantage of these patterns, because they will not work so well with my spring wardrobe. Here are a couple of my favorite winter patterns out right now, and some of my favorite items for sale for each!


Tartan is a classic winter pattern, especially when when the colors incorporate the hunter green and red. It's super easy to dress up or dress down, which is why I love it! With jeans you can wear it super casually, but tucked into a skirt it's more dressy in a different kind of way. Tartan accents are also great because they're an easy way to add a festive flair to an otherwise plain outfit. Here are a few of my favorite tartan items!

Fair Isle

Nothing says winter quite like fair isle sweaters. I love the timelessness and festiveness of this pattern! Here are some of my favorite sweaters out this year:

Happy Winter!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

DIY: Paper Snowflakes

So finals week has definitely got the best of my hallmates and me. While taking a study break, one of my hallmates discovered this super awesome DIY craft on Pinterest - paper snowflakes! She made a ton of them, and then hung them up from the ceiling to give our hall a taste of winter.

The link I provided below shows you step by step how to make them, and then how to make them into really cute curtains! I love the idea, and am probably going to make one when I get home.

It's such an easy and fun holiday decoration! Perfect to hang above your bed, in windows, or really just about anywhere. And it essentially costs nothing, so long as you own a pair of scissors and copy paper. 

Click here to learn how to make them!

The link looks really intimidating, but I promise it is super easy! 

Happy Crafting! 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Holiday Gifting

Fact: I usually do not make Christmas lists. I may hint at one or two big items that I want, but other than that I leave it up to my parents, friends, and family to figure out what to get me. Not knowing what I will open on Christmas morning makes the build up to Christmas morning so much more enjoyable, but I also love this idea for another reason.

I also really, really love spending time scouring the internet, mall, or Pinterest (for DIY gifts) to come up with the perfect gift for my friends and family. For me, standing on the giving side of a gifting session is so much more enjoyable than standing on the receiving side.

The more I think about it, the weirder it is for people to make detailed Christmas lists. Personally, I think it is way more fun to see what the people who love and care about you feel is an appropriate display of their feelings for you via gift giving. 

In this sense, I feel our culture has completely ruined the idea of gift giving, and it's so sad! What is intended to be an outward display of appreciation and value for someone's friendship or companionship has turned into a word doc listing not-so-subtle demands to guarantee happiness on Christmas morning. 

When you have very explicit expectations for what Christmas is going to look like, you create preconceived ideas of how things should be carried out in order to guarantee satisfaction and happiness. Entering the Christmas season with little to no expectations is the most liberating feeling - there is limited opportunity for you to be disappointed, and you can focus the attention you would have allotted on creating your dream Christmas list toward coming up with the perfect gifts for your friends and family. In the long run, this is so so so much more rewarding. 

Just a thought!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Wisdom: Peaking

We're all familiar with the ideal of "peaking". It's a term used to describe a self-actualization of sorts, the climax of an event, or even of our lives. Some might say they reached their "peak" in high school in reference to grades, while simultaneously describing they reached the "peak" of their social lives in college.

It's so easy and so tempting to look at our past and look toward our future and point to specific instances where we believed or believe we will excel. Oftentimes when we engage in this sort of mindset, we simultaneously point to specific goals or desires and say to ourselves, "If only I had _______, then I would be happiest, because it will allow me to have/do _______."

I do this all the time. It is so easy for me to look back on my past and wonder if I peaked in certain things, or look toward my future and believe that the happiest version of myself will exist as soon as _______ happens. 

But the more I think about it, the more incorrect this sort of mentality is - it is not a state of mind the Lord calls us to have. 

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." -Psalm 118:24

This verse is so simple, but really it carries immense meaning. So often do we spend our days concentrating on a past or future version of ourselves, rather than enjoying our present situation and surroundings. 

Don't get me wrong - setting goals for yourself and learning from the past is important, but it is not the only thing that is important. It is so easy to bulldoze over the present in the name of obtaining some milestone and not enjoy the simple, little, and everyday blessings that mold us into the person we are today. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today.

Happy Sunday!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

How to Survive Finals

I am definitely not used to having to prepare for final exams. My high school final exams were super easy and also heavily curved, so college finals are a whole new ball game for me. I am super excited for these next two weeks to fly by and then spend some time in Tampa relaxing and enjoying the holiday season! 

Here are my lifelines to surviving this crazy pre-holiday finals season:

1. Coffee
via matt edward on flickr

I'm not talking about a mocha-latte-frappa whatever - black coffee is what keeps me going on just a few hours of sleep and a whole lot of reading and studying.

2. Brain Food
via yourhomebasedmom.com

I am anything but a health nut, but lately I have been really into plain vanilla yogurt! I buy a ton of it at the grocery store, and then add fresh granola and honey to give it some substance and taste. If I'm feeling bold then I'll add some fresh fruit, too. But the yogurt sold that already had fruit in it is scary - vanilla with fresh additions is the way to go. 

3. Cozy Sweaters

Comfort is key to surviving long days and nights in uncomfortable chairs holed up in the library. This sweater from Madewell looks like it would do the trick!

4. A Good Break
via citycounselorknope.tumblr.com

My favorite? Parks and Rec. My brother and I have a tradition of watching this show during finals every year, it will be weird doing it alone this year! Other valid options are Pinteresting, baking, exercising, or retail therapy. Anything that keeps you sane. 

5. Emergen-C
via dailysavings.allyou.com

There's nothing worse than being sick during exam season, and I have a special knack for always experiencing this phenomenon. Emergen-C is my go to every morning to keep me feeling healthy!

Best of luck with exams and end of the semester craziness!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Confession: I Still Wear Crewcuts

Yes, Crewcuts as in the children's line for J. Crew. Now before you judge me, hear me out!

Crewcuts is really cute - seriously. Now obviously, some of the clothes are a little childish. But some are totally normal - like this chambray shirt I bought from Crewcuts this summer!

I bought this when the chambray shirt I previously owned from J. Crew got a hole in it. Buying the Crewcuts version rather than the women's version saved me about $20! I wear a size 14 in this shirt - and really, I have super long arms and am 5'7", and it fits great. 

Something I do have trouble with sometimes with Crewcuts is the length of their dresses. Because I am decently tall, sometimes the dresses can be a little bit short. I do have a couple of dresses though that are long enough, and ones that I really liked but are too short I still purchased and wear them with leggings! 

Something I definitely do not advise with Crewcuts is ordering online. It can be difficult to tell the length of some of the dresses on the website, and some of the shirts and dresses that are defined at the waist definitely do not work for women. If you so choose to explore your Crewcuts options, I recommend doing so in the store! It really is worth it, you save a ton of money and some of the stuff is super cute.

Here are some of my favorite Crewcuts pieces:

Sweaters & Dresses:

Shirts & Tees:

This is one of my best kept secrets, seriously I usually get a ton of compliments whenever I wear something from Crewcuts. I definitely encourage you to try it out!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Holiday Tunes

If I said I haven't already been listening to Christmas music for a good amount of time already, I would definitely be wrong. But that's okay, because now that it is finally December I can blast my music with zero hesitation of being judged.

Christmas music is so happy. It is seriously the only thing keeping me together during this pre-holiday season of final exams and stress galore. 

Here are some of my favorite Christmas songs! 

Going to UVa has also encouraged me to foster a love for a cappella groups. These are a few of my favorite a cappella renditions of popular Christmas songs!

  Pentatonix - Little Drummer Boy. They are so so so good, I also love their cover of Lorde's Royals

  Eclipse - O Holy Night. They are definitely underrated, I love them, and this is also my favorite Christmas carol by far.

The Virginia Gentlemen - Carol of the Silver Bells. I love this medley, and I am so excited to potentially go to The VGs holiday concert tonight (if I finish my term paper).

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Genuinely Happy Monday

Happy Cyber Monday everyone! I am way too excited about this day, especially since I have spent way too much money recently. But it only comes once a year, so I have to participate, right?

There are a ton of good deals out there today, and it can be a little overwhelming. But, I have scouted out my favorite deals for you!

Valid with code CYBER30 at checkout. Leave it to Kate to make it feel like Christmas already.

For all your jewelry needs.

I am in love with this site. It is perfect for buying gifts for parents or any adult or teen in your life who values class and chicness.

Valid with code SHOP50

Valid with code THANKS10 - the perfect time to buy those Bean Boots on your Christmas list.

Valid with code ROBOPUG - perfect excuse to pick up a few holiday dresses for the season!

This necklace is super cute and festive - and it's priced at $30! Today is also the last day Marley Lilly will guarantee Christmas delivery without charging extra fees, so hop on it!

Feeling edgy? Act on it. These black booties are only $30?!

Happy Cyber Monday!